
mole crab (Remipes scutellatus)

19/06/1873; 19 June 1873


Notes: Pre-printed label in spirit states "Challenger" Expedition" and "Pres. by Brit. Mus: Nov.99." Handwritten pencil name in centre states "Remipes scutellatus. Fab./ St. Vincent. Cape Verde (63)." Pencilled label number "42" refers to the Perth Museum Accession register for 1899 (No: 1899.54.59: British Museum Number 42). Placed in a large jar of spirit with...

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Notes: Pre-printed label in spirit states "Challenger" Expedition" and "Pres. by Brit. Mus: Nov.99." Handwritten pencil name in centre states "Remipes scutellatus. Fab./ St. Vincent. Cape Verde (63)." Pencilled label number "42" refers to the Perth Museum Accession register for 1899 (No: 1899.54.59: British Museum Number 42). Placed in a large jar of spirit with other non-"Challenger" specimens. For taxonomy check Smithsonian and Toronto Museums and recent Ascension Island publictions.